Art Grants
Arts in Education - School-Based and Out-of-School-Based Projects
Deadline: March 1st
Description: Provides support for curriculum-based, hands-on projects that involve K-12 students and teachers in the arts during daily instruction or outside of regular school hours.
Eligibility: West Virginia schools and nonprofit 501(c)3 arts organizations in good standing with the West Virginia Commission on the Arts.
Funding Level: Up to 50 percent of eligible costs.
- FY22 AIE School-Based and Out-of-School-Time Projects guidelines and application
Arts in Education - Arts Exposure Projects
Deadline: March 1st
Description: Provides support to present performing, literary, and visual artists to students in grades K-12.
Eligibility: West Virginia schools, nonprofit 501(c)3 arts organizations, both touring and presenting, as well individual artists and artist collectives in good standing with the West Virginia Commission on the Arts.
Funding Level: Up to 50 percent of eligible costs.
- FY22 AIE Arts Exposure Projects guidelines and application
- Arts in Education Final Report
- Arts in Education Touring Final Report Final Report
Historic Preservation Grants
State Development Grant Program
Deadline: March 31st
The State Development Grant Program is for rehabilitation of properties that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a contributing property in a historic district or/and archaeological development of a site listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The funding source for this grant program is appropriated by the WV Legislature, through Lottery Funds.
Survey and Planning Grant Program
Deadline: November 30th
The Survey & Planning Grant Program is for conducting architectural/archaeological surveys, National Register nominations, predevelopment plans, heritage education projects, etc. The funding source for this grant program is the Historic Preservation Fund, National Park Service.Survey and Planning Grant Application Form - Deadline, Must be Postmarked by NOVEMBER 30, 2020.
- Grants Announcement and Recipients, 2020-21
- Grants Announcement and Recipients, 2019-20
- Grants Announcement and Recipients, 2018-19
- Grants Announcement and Recipients, 2017-18
- Grants Announcement and Recipients, 2016-17
- Grants Announcement and Recipients, 2015-16
- Grants Announcement and Recipients, 2014-15
- Grants Announcement and Recipients, 2013-14