
West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture, and History.


Research Request

A non-refundable fee of $20.00 must accompany each out-of-state research request. The fee covers up to $2.50 in copies and postage. Additional costs will be billed. There is a $10.00 research fee for in-state patron requests.

A fee of $8.00 must accompany each out-of-state copy request for a copy of an obituary, newspaper article, land grant, or uncertified county record or state certificate as defined in 82-6-6.2. There is a $5.00 fee for an in-state copy request. See Archives and History Library Services and Fee Guidelines for complete information.

The Archives will not answer e-mail research requests. All research requests must be submitted in writing to the Archives and History Library; 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Building 9; Charleston, WV 25305-0300. Please do not send copies of drivers licenses and other forms of ID with your research requests.

The Library staff is unable to do more than limited research through correspondence. Inquiries must be limited to two SPECIFIC requests. Inquiries should provide full name, county of residence, approximate dates and documents requested. For example, “Send me anything on the Smith family” is not a serviceable request. Requests requiring more extensive research will be sent names of individuals who perform this service for a fee.