Morgnatown Farmers Market

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I park?

Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of parking spots in downtown Morgantown on Market mornings! Check out our Google Map of parking lots close to our location OR bike to the Market and use our bike rack! (Just be sure to remove it by the end of the market)

What will I find at the Morgantown Farmers' Market?

A large variety of items! The Morgantown Farmers' Market is dedicated to bringing our customers only the freshest items that are grown or produced within 50 miles of Morgantown, WV. You'll find meats (beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, and turkey), eggs, lots of baked goods, honey, herbs, flowers, nuts, grains, crafted items, a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and more! Don't forget to sign up for our weekly newsletter to see what is in season.

Are you only open in the summer?

Nope! We have a 'Summer Season' that generally runs from the first Saturday in May through the first Saturday in November. We also have a 'Winter Season' that currently runs runs once a month from November through April. Check the Morgantown Farmers Market page for the latest schedule.

Does the Morgantown Farmers' Market only take cash?

Nope! We have a machine to take Credit, Debit, and SNAP cards in exchange for Market Tokens that can be spent at the Market just like cash. The tokens are good forever and every vendor will accept them. Many of our vendors who qualify also train to accept Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) vouchers and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) vouchers.

Can I bring my dog to the Morgantown Farmers' Market?

Yes! Make your weekly trip to the Market a family event and bring everyone, including your dog! Be sure to see our Pooch Policy for our rules on behavior and be sure to bring a bag for clean-up after your dog.

Where can I use the bathroom?

We have a brand new building at the back of our lot, which contains two uni-sex bathrooms. The handicap bathroom also contains a baby changing table for your convenience.

Where is the closest ATM?

We encourage you to stop by the Market Manager booth at the front of the Market to get Market Tokens if you run out of or forget to bring cash with you. If you need an ATM in general there are four banks located within two blocks of the Market: BB&T, Huntington National, United, & WesBanco.