Friend of Market Member Application
This application is for New and Returning Friend of Market Members who wish to participate in the Morgantown Farmers Market Growers Association. Friend of Market membership (non-voting) is open to the community at large who wish to support and promote the goals of the MFMGA. Friend of Market members may participate in MFMGA member meetings, but may not submit or second motions on the floor or vote.
The annual Associate membership fee is $25. Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year.
The Friend of Market membership period is from May 1 of the current year through April 30 of the following year. New member applications approved by the Board of Directors from January through April may request that their membership begin at the start of the forthcoming market year (e.g., May 2017-April 2018).
Applicants must complete each application section in full, sign the application, and submit fees payable to Morgantown Farmers Market Growers Association (MFMGA).
The Morgantown Farmers Market Growers Association (MFMGA) supports “Producer-only” markets in Morgantown throughout the year (Summer and Winter Markets) and a Summer Market in Westover, WV.
The MFMGA is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization