Morgnatown Farmers Market

Nutrition Assistance Programs

It is very important that local, fresh produce is available to all people, regardless of income or stability. Currently we have three programs that help low-income people buy healthy foods at our markets. By accepting SNAP (EBT/Food Stamps), WIC, and SFMNP vouchers, we aim to decrease the access barriers to fresh healthy food.

SNAP (EBT/Food Stamps)

Our markets accept SNAP benefits.

Instructions: To use your SNAP/EBT card, go to the Market Information Booth, tell the staff how much you would like to spend, and they will swipe your EBT card for the amount you request. You're then given your requested amount in $1 plastic tokens.

You may not use your tokens to buy non-food items, and no change may be given.

If you don't use all your tokens that day, you can save them to use another day at our markets.

To see if you qualify for EBT/Food Stamps, contact: WV Department of Health & Human Services at (304) 285-3175. For more information or to read the complete USDA SNAP Rules visit


WIC (Women, Infants and Children) FMNP checks are specifically for purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables at authorized farmers stands.

Instructions: You can also use your WIC FMNP coupons to purchase fresh, unprepared fruits, vegetables and herbs at both of our farmers markets. WIC FMNP coupons may only be used between July 1 and October 30.

For more information about WIC FMNP coupons, contact: Monongalia County Health Department WIC at 304-598-5181 or 1-800-675-5181


The purpose of the Senior FMNP is to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to senior citizens. The program expands the awareness and use of farmers markets and also supports and promotes the daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Seniors (60 years plus) who meet the income requirements are eligible to participate in the Senior FMNP. Under the SFMNP, recipients receive checks to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables from an authorized farmer's stand; these farmers display a large sign stating that they accept Senior FMNP checks. These checks may only be used between July 1 and October 30.

For information on Senior FMNP coupons, please call: WV Department of Agriculture, Marketing & Development Division at 304-558-2210

SNAP Woman Helper